Sponsor a child

With your donation you will help improve the life of one of our more than 500 children. This help us to develop different tools that help us educate and strengthen the entire community to develop values of coexistence, health and food self-sufficiency, among others

With $ 200 pesos per month, we will be able to pintar esperanza for one of our children.

Sponsor 1 child

Donate $200 pesos monthly for 1 year to help 1 kid.

Sponsor 2 children

Donate $400 pesos monthly for 1 year to help 2 kids.

Sponsor 3 child children

Donate $600 pesos monthly for 1 year to help 3 kids.

Sponsor 4 children

Donate $800 pesos monthly for 1 year to help 4 kids.

Para solicitar tus recibos deducibles de impuestos escríbenos a: facturacion@pintandoesperanza.org.mx 100% deducible de impuestos.

Donación en una sola exhibición (Oxxo o Paypal)

Electronic transfer

Esperanza Llena de Colores AC

RFC: ELC1410094TA

Banco: (BANORTE) Banco Mercantil del Norte SA Institución de Banca Múltiple

Cuenta: 0328179668

Clabe: 07270000328176688

Código Swift: MENOMXMT

Sucursal: 0845 Tangamanga